Cloud is a sound installation which works with electromagnetic induction. The cloud is a hanging structure made of ca. 1500 meter of black (or other colour) electrical cable which is not only a visual object but as well a sound sculpture. The public receives a special custom made headphone by which it can explore the hidden acoustic world of the sound installation.
The sounds of the cloud are received through the system of electromagmetic induction. The sources are electrical waves which are produced by digital communication systems, security installations and other dense electrical fields: data processing centers, server rooms, offices, airports, shopping areas, server rooms etc. The 12 channels of sound will be mixed together by the public itself – according to their movements around and even under the cloud, the sounds will mingle and fade into each other in always different individual ways.
“Cloud” has been exhibited in different site specific arrangements and always new sound combinations at:
Dichte Wolken
Museum am Ostwall im “U”, Dortmund (permanent collection of the museum), 2011
Silence. Silent?
Exhibition with Robin Minard, Gallery Mazzoli Berlin, 2011
White walls have Ears
Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre, City University of Hong Kong, 2012
Sound Art
ZKM Karlsruhe 2012/2013
Museum of Modern Art /Mq21, Vienna 2015
Free Sound
Osaka, Knowledge Capital in collaboration with ars electronica, 2016
Sound Tracks
Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA), San Francisco 2017
(permanent collection of the museum)
ars electronica Berlin
DRIVE exhibition centre, 2017
Ambitus, Kunstmuseum
Kloster Unser Lieben Frauen, Magdeburg
Echos magnétiques
Musée d’Art Moderne, Rennes, 2019
espace multimedia Gantner, FIMU, Belfort 2019
Interstice festival
ESAM, Caen, Normandy 2019
Plateform Intermedia, Nantes, 2019
Topography of Sound, Galerija Skuc, Lubljana 2019
Biennale Internationale du Son
TALM, Le Mans 2019
Le Tetris, Le Havre 2021
Out Of Time
Padiglione d’arte contemporanea, Ferrara 2022
100 years of electricity in art, Kunsthalle Prag, 2022
Festival KorSonor
Le Commun, Genève, 2023
Anders Hören
Museum für Neue Kunst, Freiburg (Germany), 2024
A CD has been released by the museum in Dortmund in 2012: Dichte Wolken-four electromagnetic pieces
electromagnetic sound installation, electrical cable, electromagnetic headphones, 12 channel composition