The German Music Author’s Prize by the GEMA in the category: “Electronic music-Live Electronics Plus” has been awarded to Christina Kubisch for her outstanding achievement in the field of experimental Electronic Music and Sound Installation.The laudatio was held by Ludger Brümmer, former director of the Hertz Lab, the centre for digital music at the ZKM… Continue reading German Music Author’s Prize by GEMA
Author: tom
Waves, Walks and Wilderness
Exhibition, Electrical Walks, Concert – @ ZKM in Karlsruhe, Germany Exhibition: 0ctober 2. – 20.10, documentation of the Electrical Walks 2004 -2024 and presentation of the interactive project Virtual Walks (in collaboration with Frank Paul and Tom Thiel)Electrical Walks: October 19th – 20th, guided walks in and around the ZKM buildingsConcert: 19.10. , 8 pm,… Continue reading Waves, Walks and Wilderness
maulwerker performing musicChristina Kubisch “Silent Dialogue” (2024 Premiere)Ballhaus Ost, Berlin
Die Konferenz der Bäume
(the conference of the trees) 1989for electrical cable, 5 bonsai trees, electromagnetic headphones, five channel compositionReinstallation Group Show: Sounds of BethanyKünstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin
Wittener Tage für Neue Kammermusik 2024
Kultur Forum Witten May 3rd, 2024, 23.00 / SAALBAU, THEATERSAAL – PremiereTIME LOOPfor three Synthesizer und Tapeby CHRISTINA KUBISCH, PIERRE JODLOWSKI, THOMAS KESSLER TRIO LANGE//BERWECK//LORENZ SynthesizerHAINBACH Tapes, ElectroniumWDR 3 live
Sound installation
Exhibition: Ambienti 1956 – 2010Environments by Woman Artists IIMuseo Maxxi , RomaGroup Exhibition
The Mixer Project – 2024
installation and project with public participationExhibition: “Oscillations Capetown-Berlin”Akademie der Künste Berlin27.4.-19.5.2024Group Exhibition
CLOUD (new version 2024)
Sound installationExhibition “Anders Hören/Listening differently”Museum für Neue Kunst, FreiburgGroup Exhibition
Electrical Walks Le Mans
Electrical Walk nr. 94 elaborated in collaboration with students from the sound design department of TALM–Le Mans, School of Art and Design Festival Le Mans Sonore, 20.-28. January 2024
Music Folder #9
Interview with C. KubischA Podcast by Archivio Ricordi.InstagramSpotify
Phantom Voltage
Concert/Performance/ InstallationFestival Wien Modern, Vienna
KorSonoR – visual and sound arts
Cloud and Electrical WalkLe Commun, Geneva
site-specific sound installation Klangkunstraum Krems, Austria
Studio Stadt
Peripherien elektronischer MusikKunstraum München e.V.
New Vinyl with previously unreleased compositions
A Collection of Disappearing Sounds
An interview with sound artist Christina Kubisch
Electrical Walks Besançon
Electrical Walk Nr. 91 of the series.Festival Bien Urbain, Besançon
Going Out, Walking, Listening, Soundmaking
Book presentation by Elena Biserna, editor.Errant Sound, Thursday May 11th, 18:00 – sharp
Interstices Magnétiques
Solo ExhibitionEspace Multimédia Gantner1, rue de la Varonne ∙ 90 140 Bourogne, France
À bruit secret
Das Hören in der KunstGroup ExhibitionMuseum Tinguely, BaselCurator: Annja Müller-Alsbach
How Design Sounds
Group ExhibitionCurator: Carla CarboneForum Arte Braga, Portugal
Broken Music Vol. 2:
70 Jahre Schallplatten und Soundarbeiten von Künstler*innenHamburger Bahnhof, Nationalgalerie der Gegenwart, BerlinCurators: Ingrid Buschmann and Sven Beckstette.
Hidden Waves
Exhibition, Electrical Walks, lecture, concerts, commissioned composition for Trondheim Voices Kunsthall Trondheimconcerts at Rådhussalen, Trondheim Folkebibliotek
Electrical Walks Chemnitz
Pochen Biennale Wirkbau Chemnitz
Shortwave Festival Poznan
Electrical Walks Poznan
In the Field
Interactive Sound Walk in collaboration with Hélène Gaudy (text) and Tom Thiel (audio), Villerupte, France“In the Field” is part of the project “Remix Culture”, Esch-sur-Alzette, European Capital of Culture
Electrical Walks Prag
electromagnetic walk in the city of PragKunsthalle Prag
Das Glashaus
Solo exhibitionSaarland Museum – Moderne Galerie SaarbrückenCuator: Andrea Jahn
Electromagnetic Sound InstallationKinetismus — 100 years of electricity in artKunsthalle Prag
La Serra
14-channel sound installationgroup exhibtion “Polyphone”musée d’art et d’histoire Paul Eluard St. Denis / Paris
Alla Turca
Site specific sound installation in the Mosque garden of the castle of Schwetzingencommission of the SWR Schwetzinger Festspiele